Saturday, February 26, 2005

NuYorkican Soul

Since being here I've realised that, for me, cities are not about famous landmarks, big museums and parks. It's all about the people of the city. I've found myself taking loads of snaps of oddballs (not just me), winos, weirdos, commuters and randoms.

For example the other morning on the Metro, a slightly shady-looking Hispanic guy (he was shady-looking and Hispanic, not shady-looking because he was Hispanic - I'm not a racialist fool) was standing with his girlfriend. The train braked harshly and a large knife fell out of his coat pocket and CLUNK'd on the floor.

So, I got my camera out and started snapping right in his face as he fished around on the floor, trying not to look dodgy as fuck.

Not really, I gazed down at my shoes like everyone else on the carriage, pretending to be fascinated in nothing =o]

Anyway, to end this prattling, check out the new NuYoricanSoul photos at pedrffynnon's photos .
- check the guy with the laptop. This was in the lecture theatre in the Apple store. All these guys wi-fi'd up to the max, tapping away during the lecture.
- check the guy in the pink hoodie. I had to run past him and wait to get snaps. He was cool as fuck! Look at his styles!
- and look at the old lady checking out that oven on the street. She gave it a good inspection, like she was going to take it home or something. Weird.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some really good pics of people there! How do you take some of them without the subjects smacking you about the face?

5:31 pm  
Blogger Pete K said...

Guile, grit, determination, lateral thinking Tony.

Oh, and really small camera that looks more like a phone. God bless America, and the Sony U10.

6:23 pm  

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